Derek and Corinne take a quick break to discuss one of their favorite things: horror! In this episode, Derek walks Corinne through the origin and first issue of Afterlife with Archie.
Derek does a brief rundown of the behind-the-scenes intrigue surrounding the editorial staff at Marvel during the Clone Saga before describing the events of "Time Bomb"
Corinne explains the Clone Saga storyline "Exiled" to Derek. Comics covered are: Web of Spider-Man #128 Amazing Spider-Man #405 Spider-Man #62 Spider-Man Unlimited #10
Derek and Corinne take a look at some of the weirder oddities in comics- like Peter Palmer the Amazing Spiderman or superhero nudity!
Ok. So we finally made it to the end of Maximum Clonage. So how does everything tie together? What's the story? Why does this exist?
Corinne details the first half of Spider-Man's Maximum Clonage, It gets weird.
Ultimate Spider-Man #1 Marvel Comics Writer(s): Jonathan Hickman Artist(s): Marco Checchetto Colorist(s):…
By the end of the 90s, Marvel's sales, as well as every other comic publisher at the time, plummeted (Riesman, 2015). Partially due to the speculator market and the intense glut of some series (as well as the declining quality …
As Corinne makes her way through the Sandman comics, she's decided to rank them using a tier list. This is absolutely definitive and if you don't agree, then you are clearly wrong and should apologize. Now, how does she decide …
Derek L. Chase is a sometimes cartoonist, designer, and graduate of The Kubert School. Usually he is debating whether or not sleep is really worth it.
Local Cheese & Wine Expert of the Pod
Hi I’m Corinne! I’m newer to the world of comics but am so far havin’ a real hoot and a half. On this podcast you can learn with me about in depth concepts and scandals of the comic community while I constantly promote Saga.